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At Excepcional, we explore non-stop to bring you the finest flavours and most highly awarded wines from Spain’s top vineyard

the falconer sports
spirit of the bull

Our wines originate from two historic wine farms in Spain

Tejoneras dates back to 1890 and is linked to royalty as Queen Maria Cristina of Habsburg-Lorena requested the grapes from this vineyard for her own use. Traditional methods are still used as the vineyard sits at an altitude of 750 m in the foothills of the Sierra de Gredos.

Grape picking has always been done manually and the wine from this vineyard has always been viewed as a ‘Kings wine’. For many years the wine was purely for the family and once the owners decided to commercialise the wine they received some friendly advice from a Vega Sicilia winemaker in choosing new grape varieties and improving their old ones.

The Award Winning wine was named The Falconer Sport of Kings


The Spirit of the Bull (formly Grandfather) is the second vineyard that has been handed down from father to son since 1917. The grape varieties used are 100% Tempranillo which in the climate of O.D. Valtiendas grow very successfully. The grapes are carefully attended to and aged in French Oak barrels. Navalilla in this area produced high quality wine. Alfonson VII in XII century as told in the Latin Chronicle of Kings of Castille sent his people to Navalilla. The wines are named after the vineyard The Spirit of the Bull. There are limited quantities for the different vintages with the 2015 only producing 5000 bottles.

Award-Winning Wines – Pure Refined Honey – Naturally Produced Olive Oil